RCO Card Storage Container for Star Wars Legion .STL Download
RCO Card Storage Container for Star Wars Legion .STL Download
This is the .STL Download for the RCO Card Storage container by 3 five design.
This container was designed specifically for card storage as a main function. But as its a large container I added some more space for organizing dice, command tokens, movement tools and range finders.
It uses a combination of alignment pins and magnets to assemble together. The bottom tray is printed in 2 pieces. The storage tray and the base plate are glued together and have pins that print separately and then are glued in place after.
Print 10 pins. 6 for the base plate and 4 for the Card storage lid. Because these pieces are printed in topside towards the print bed then the pins are installed after printing. The card storage lid uses a combo of magnets and pins. 6 magnets and 4 pins. the pins can be located in the same orientation as the magnets on the topside of the card storage tray and organizer tray.
The container is designed to use 5x3 N52 magnets. You can find magnets on amazon or JC-Magnetics.
May the force be with you!
The Print bed size requirement is 210mmx203mm.
Included files: 5x3 magnet version and 5x2 magnet version
- Lid
-Card Storage Lid
-Card Storage Tray
-Card Storage Dividers
-Organizer Tray
-Magnet Install Handles (print 2 in different colors, glue magnets into the handles so the magnets pull handles together, use one color handle to put magnets inside top holes of tray and use the other color handle to put in bottom side of tray)
Recommend: Print at 0.2mm with 10%-15% infill. The card storage tray may need supports from the bed to support the overhang of the Center circle. That should be it for supports. Happy Printing.
This container was designed specifically for card storage as a main function. But as its a large container I added some more space for organizing dice, command tokens, movement tools and range finders.
It uses a combination of alignment pins and magnets to assemble together. The bottom tray is printed in 2 pieces. The storage tray and the base plate are glued together and have pins that print separately and then are glued in place after.
Print 10 pins. 6 for the base plate and 4 for the Card storage lid. Because these pieces are printed in topside towards the print bed then the pins are installed after printing. The card storage lid uses a combo of magnets and pins. 6 magnets and 4 pins. the pins can be located in the same orientation as the magnets on the topside of the card storage tray and organizer tray.
The container is designed to use 5x3 N52 magnets. You can find magnets on amazon or JC-Magnetics.
May the force be with you!
The Print bed size requirement is 210mmx203mm.
Included files: 5x3 magnet version and 5x2 magnet version
- Lid
-Card Storage Lid
-Card Storage Tray
-Card Storage Dividers
-Organizer Tray
-Magnet Install Handles (print 2 in different colors, glue magnets into the handles so the magnets pull handles together, use one color handle to put magnets inside top holes of tray and use the other color handle to put in bottom side of tray)
Recommend: Print at 0.2mm with 10%-15% infill. The card storage tray may need supports from the bed to support the overhang of the Center circle. That should be it for supports. Happy Printing.
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