Late Pledge War-Ganizer 3.0
Late Pledge War-Ganizer 3.0
This includes the .stl files for the War-Ganizer 3.0 Basic Download. It is the base version from the kickstarter. Stretch Goals can be purchased separately or in a bundle with the basic. Please Note that the Stretch Goals will be added Via an update and redownload notification. They are being released in the next day or 2.
Welcome to the War-Ganizer 3.0 Kickstarter Campaign. This campaign will focus on the New War-Ganizer 3.0.
Below you will find information on the New Features and Designs to make this the Ultimate Tabletop Transport and Universal Storage System available!
This Campaign will include the .STL files for the War-Ganizer 3.0 and various stretch goals that get unlocked. The Stretch goals list will grow as this campaign grows. I'd like to add stretch goals based on Backer requests and Patreon requests. So lets get this started.
Why should I back War-Ganizer?
- Modular Tray System
- Low Filament usage
- Easy and quick assembly
- Multiple game systems already supported
- Growing Discord community
- Amazing customer support
- 100% 3D Printed. No Hardware needed.
What is War-Ganizer?
War-Ganizer is a Universal and backwards compatible system. All War-Ganizer Trays fit in all the carriers and rack systems. With a constantly growing catalogue of trays for all your tabletop games.
No need to make new trays for your new carrier. All your pre existing War-Ganizer Trays will fit in the 3.0 and future War-Ganizer components.
Why is War-Ganizer the best?
Grow your War-Ganizer collection with your mini collections. Not just for your minis but for the other components as well.
War-Ganizer 3.0 New Features
- The 3.0 boasts attachment rails for the sides and rear of the case. Allowing for the ultimate customization of your War-Ganizer loadout. Add card, dice, tools and other game components to your case. Thirsty on that gaming day? Then how about a cup holder for your favorite drink.
- A new front panel latch to secure the panel in its closed position.
- A stronger folding handle to ensure your minis are safe and secure. Load tested for 25lbs.
- Removable Front Panel Handle. Giving you the ability to add different handle designs.
- Stronger shoulder strap attachment design.
- More Sizes for Larger Printers. Specifically the Bambu printers. Now there is a Bambu version to utilize that larger print bed.
- Last but certainly not least. There are removable rack inserts allowing for different tray loadouts and drawers. This feature will also transfer over to the storage racks.
What Makes War-Ganizer Unique?
The War-Ganizer system is designed to be a completely modular storage and transport system for war-gaming and gamers of all types. This includes the hobby side as well. This system has a wide array of trays and components to make transportation fun and customizable to the users preferences. This system has begun to evolve through a discord community and the 3 Five Design Patreon to bring together individual needs and styles. War-Ganizer is already a growing platform. With the War-Ganizer 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and Tool Box carriers already available. Additionally there are the Storage racks and drawer systems to compliment this. If your interested in what is currently available head to
What's Included with the Basic Pledge?
Below you will find a list of all the components for the 3.0 Basic Pledge.
- War-Ganizer 3.0 Carrier - Smooth Edition .stl files
- War-Ganizer 3.0 Carrier - War-Ganizer Edition .stl files
- Universal Tray Pack .stl files (Contains a variety of basic trays)
- Dual Card, Single and Double Attachment
- Mag Tray for Ferrous sheet (This will require additional materials to make a magnetic tray function, either metal or ferrous rubber sheet.)
Images Coming soon of all the included files.
What kind of printer do I need?
Lets start with the first most important detail. This requires an FDM Printer. Resin is not recommended. That being said the next question is print bed volume. All designs made by 3 five design are designed with the Prusa MK3S+ print dimensions. Which is 210mm x 250mm. So if you have a Prusa you're golden. For this project the largest print dimension is 240mm x 210mm. There are customers and patrons printing war-ganizers on the ender 3 but it requires a bit of trickery. But it is doable.
If you are questioning the printer size please go to, there is a free test download on the site that will allow you to check out the largest file dimensions. Its recommended that the files are oriented flat on the printer bed.
Stretch Goals
The First Stretch goal is the Back 2 Back components for making your war-ganizer 3.0 compatible with the Leviathan Trays.
This is an expansion to make one larger carrier out of 2 basic carriers. It will require some additional parts to be printed. Will hold war-ganizer trays and Leviathan trays.
The Attachment pack will contain a variety of attachments for cards, tools, dice and minis.
This additional Tray pack will include the new dice and token trays with lids, a few paint trays.